September 30, 2003
What's next, ballot-box wildcards?

The collision of two bad ideas -- unverified e-voting and VeriSign -- is a really, really bad idea.

VeriSign has been chosen by Accenture (the former Andersen Consulting) to provide key components of an Internet absentee voting system for Americans abroad. This is the same VeriSign that recently unilaterally altered the workings of the domain name system to return a VeriSign search page when someone mis-typed a .com or .net URL.

I can see it now: mis-mark your ballot and your vote gets automatically redirected to the candidate of VeriSign's choice. "We found these similar candidates: Did You Mean to vote for Arnold Schwarzenegger?"

Posted by Wendy at September 30, 2003 07:01 PM | TrackBack

You have absolutely righ...

Posted by: Kristopher Gora on December 25, 2003 09:55 PM
The Value of Trust?
Excerpt: Andersenccenture puts Verisign in charge of electronic voting, and everyone around has the same association. Wendy Seltzer: What's next, ballot-box wildcards? Ross Rader: The great thing is that if voters type in the wrong vote, Verisign has the techno...
Weblog: No Such Weblog
Tracked: October 3, 2003 04:42 AM
Verisign + Evoting
Excerpt: from Wendy Seltzer back in September. The collision of two bad ideas -- unverified e-voting and VeriSign -- is a
Weblog: BookBlog
Tracked: December 24, 2003 01:27 PM
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