May 10, 2004
Not What I Wanted to See in HD

I've been building a MythTV box around the pcHDTV card for Linux. More details on that project as it comes together, but I stopped work tonight after seeing, in high definition, photos of the abuse of Iraqi prisoners at Abu Ghraib. It's disturbing, but not surprising, that the Bush administration didn't take note of the abuses until photos appeared on 60 Minutes. The pictures don't look any better in high-res, but it's important that the public be able to see them and reach informed understanding of U.S. involvement in Iraq. Now let's put leaders in office with the resolution to clean up what these images reflect.

Update: Here's the report (PDF) (text) the Office of Senate Security doesn't want staffers to read. (Via Lawmeme).

Posted by Wendy at May 10, 2004 01:17 AM | TrackBack

Something that Scott[1] pointed out is: "Why aren't the vicitm's faces (the ones not in bags, that is) being pixelized/obscured?" I guess it's because, in a dumb TV show like COPS for example, they're afraid of legal liability of some sort. The privacy of individuals doesn't seem to have crossed the mind of the Pentagon or those who released the photos.


Posted by: joe on May 10, 2004 01:56 PM
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