October 03, 2006
Day against DRM

Today is DefectiveByDesign's Day Against DRM. Time to take inventory of your media and electronics and determine how many of them are coded to do someone else's bidding than yours, their owner. How many of your devices will break if you try to network them with other devices? How much of your media will stop you from playing it where and how you choose? How much will frustrate your attempts to look inside or write your own software?

DRM isn't working for you, the purchaser/listener/remixer, but for a publisher who wants you to pay and pay again for multiple viewings of your video, or a hardware maker who wants to lock you into its line of incompatible devices. Acceding to these demands will only a next generation of media devices with even less functionality, even more meter-feeding. Instead, ask for electronics and media that meet your needs, and make sure you're getting what you asked and paid for.

Posted by Wendy at 10:41 AM