April 30, 2004
Free Speech? Not on the Gubernator's watch

Schwarzenegger bobblehead dollCounsel to Arnold Schwarzenegger sent a cease-and-desist letter threatening a lawsuit against the makers of a Schwarzenegger bobblehead doll. Seemingly oblivious to the fact that the Governor of California is a political public figure, the lawyers demand millions of dollars in compensatory and punitive damages for the "egregious and malicious" "use of Mr. Schwarzenegger's publicity rights."

Best of all, though is the letter's conclusion:

This is a confidential legal notice and may not be published, in whole or in part. Any republishing or dissemination of same, including but not limited to the posting of the contents hereof on the Internet, shall constitute copyright infringement and will subject the re-publisher(s) to civil liability for such actions.
You say infringement, I say fair use. Sorry, but I'm not chilled.
Thanks Jim!

Posted by Wendy at 04:32 PM
Google IPO: Surely it can't be rational

Among all the Google IPO hype, Pete Kaminski reminds us why Google is still cool -- they propose to raise $2.718281828 billion, the irrational, transcendental number e.

Posted by Wendy at 03:47 PM