May 23, 2003
2 Super-DMCAs down

Thanks to activists in Tennessee, the super-DMCA bill won't get a vote this year. The Tennessean notes that "Opponents — many of them computer professionals and enthusiasts who mobilized via the Internet — said no new law was needed and the measure as originally written threatened privacy and civil liberties."

In more good news, Colorado's governor vetoed that state's version of the anti-consumer legislation. These bills, which proponents (the MPAA) claim are mere anti-cable-theft measures, would in effect solidify communications providers' monopolies by giving them a veto over the connection of any devices to the networks. Some of the drafts presume that connecting a device to a network shows intent to defraud.

More on the super-DMCAs. If one is up for debate in your state, please let your legislators know your strong opposition -- activism can make a difference.

Posted by Wendy at 10:29 AM